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Project Name:

Reframing the Hairdryer in a kitchen-scape


TOGIWA Food Warmer



With Chen Han






Reframing the mechanism of a humble hairdryer into the kitchen, TOGIWA Food Warmer is a rede- signed food cover that heats up food and keep your meal warm with no hassle. Inspired by familiar actions in the kitchen space, TOGIWA Food Warmer can be activated with an intuitive twist, similar to the nuances of a pepper shaker.


TOGIWA Food Warmer is a portable handheld kitchenware device that is able to blend seamlessly and harmoniously into the household, bringing warmth into your home.


We used ethnographic research (interviews, user mapping, personas) and user testing to enhance effectiveness of design outcome and improve user experience.


TOGIWA; To Give Warmth.


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